The Quincy and Rose Pullin Foundation
Growing Healthy Communities Together
Join our mission to end food insecurity by empowering urban communities with thriving community gardens
Commit to eliminating food insecurity, food swamps, and food deserts in Savannah, GA, westside communities and beyond. To fulfill this mission, the Foundation will:
Develop community gardens, giving on-hand professional assistance to residents.
Provide food nutrition and gardening education forums and workshops.
Provide scholarships to students whose educational interests are Agriculture and Food Nutrition.
Sustainability, Better Health, Community
The solution for food insecurity and poor nutrition
The Time To Act
Is Now
Urban gardens are popping up in cities across the country, and they are more than just beautiful flowers and vegetables.
Gardens Are Transformative
Urban gardens provide energy and revitalization to the low-income communities that need it most because they have limited access to fresh and affordable produce.
The Benefits
Run Deep
The benefits of community gardens in city life range from economic to environmental health. But urban gardening not only improves the environmental health of a community but can also be a source of income for gardeners.
Listen To What Our Community Gardeners Say…
Because It’s Our Community That Matters Most.
I love plants and gardening!
I developed my philosophy about plants while living with my grandparents in my home country of South Africa. We call farms homesteads. I believe plants should have purpose. They should be more than an ornament. Thus the community garden I work in, you will see a variety of plants and they all have a purpose.
Professional & compassionate
I have been gardening for many years. This past year is the first time I participated in a community garden. It brought me great joy to share my knowledge about vegetables and fruit plants with the other gardeners in our community garden. I hope this continues and the knowledge is passed on to others.
Answered my questions
I started gardening on my deck. The opportunity to grow more food with the community garden was a welcomed treat. Not only do I love seeing the wonderful plants grow that I planted but it gives me such a thrill to share my produce with others in the community. I just wish more people would join us.
Gardening Is Fun
Germination, Fertilization
and Aeration To Happiness!
Yes You Do Have A Green Thumb
We Will Show You How To Find It
Urban gardens reduce the distance food travels to our plates, which means our food is fresher and more nutritious.
Fresh food boosts physical and mental health, and culturally appropriate foods can help connect people to their heritage.
For black and brown communities, urban gardening can provide access to affordable fruits and vegetables that are often difficult to find in grocery stores.
Sustainable Gardening Uses Fewer Resources
When you grow your own food, you use fewer resources because you aren't transport food from long distances.
You also don't need to use as much water because sustainable gardening practices help conserve water.
Plus, growing your own food gives you the opportunity to compost and recycle, which further reduces your impact on the environment.
Black and brown communities have been doing this for generations, and it's one of the reasons why urban gardening is so important.
Food production in cities has proven beneficial because it reduces the distance food travels to get from the farm to our plates.
The reduced transportation time preserves more nutrients, making produce healthier than what you typically find at most markets.
Urban gardens have improved residents’ well-being by reducing stress and increasing their social ties through gardening with neighbors.
Case Study: Urban Gardens Aid Health
In a study conducted by UNC’s Department of Horticultural Science, researcher Joanne Dumenil found that community members gained about eight pounds per year over those who did not grow produce at home. Her research indicated that this was likely due to increased consumption of fresh produce in neighborhoods where community gardens were present. As a result, food loses nutritional value when it travels long distances before arriving on our plates. If food is trucked across state lines, its nutrient content decreases by as much as 20% in some cases.
Urban gardens allow our communities to be self-sufficient and provide for our families while beautifying our neighborhoods.
Urban Gardening Builds Social Capital
“One of the great benefits of community gardens”
They improve environmental health. They help to clean up pollution and make use of otherwise vacant or abandoned land.
“Become self-sustaining”
Community gardens also provide a way for people to grow their own food, which can be especially important in food deserts. And because community gardens are usually tended by members of the local community, they often provide culturally appropriate foods that might not otherwise be available.
“Gardens grow kids”
Community gardens can also be a great way to teach kids about where their food comes from and how it's grown. And community gardens are just plain fun!
The Top 12 Benefits Of Our Urban Gardening
Teaching Kids
1. Gardens can teach kids about science, math, and where food comes from
Fresh Food
2. Fresh food boosts physical and mental health
3. Gardens can build community and foster a sense of pride
Weight Loss
4. Gardens can help combat obesity and diet-related diseases
The Underserved
5. Gardens can provide a space for underserved communities to connect with nature , engage in healthy activities, and play
Locally Grown
6. Gardeners are finding ways to eat locally grown food as close as possible to their homes and replace the lost nutritional value in food due to transport trucks.
Environment Smart
7. Eating local is healthier because it reduces our carbon footprint by decreasing the amount of fossil fuels that need to be burned for transporting food long distances
8. You don't worry about your produce going bad before you get around to eating it. Locally grown food may also contain higher levels of vitamins
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More Nutritious
9.Locally grown food may also contain higher levels of vitamins
Life Sustaining
10. People who want to live sustainably buy more organic fruits and vegetables
Less Energy Wastes
11. Organic farming often requires less energy consumption
Reduces Carbon Footprint
12. Decreasing the amount of fossil fuels that need to be burned for transporting food long distances
Why We Do It
Launched in July 2021 in memory of our parents, the fundamental mission of the Foundation is to eliminate food insecurity, food swamps, and food deserts in Savannah, GA, Westside communities. To fulfill this mission, the Foundation’s initial focus and goals include the following:
- Develop community gardens with on-hand professional assistance to residents and other interested individuals.
- Provide food nutrition and gardening education forums and workshops.
- Provide scholarships to students whose educational interests are Agriculture and/or Food Nutrition
- Partner with other local and regional non-profits who are also addressing food insecurity and nutrition deficiency.
Learn How To Care For
Your Community Garden
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Vice President
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How To Start Your Urban Garden
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Overlooked Benefits
Better Water Management
Community gardens also help to filter stormwater runoff and improve air quality. Plus, they provide a source of income for gardeners who sell their produce.
Bring Strident Neighborhoods Together
Gardening is also a great way to get to know your neighbors and build community. Spending time in the garden is a chance to relax and de-stress.
Get In Better Shape
Gardening is a great way to get exercise and fresh air. If you're looking for ways to boost your well-being, try spending some time at a local community garden.
Support Our Work With
Trust And Confidence
Our Next Urban Garden
Easy To Find & Convenient Hours
Garden Hours:
Monday 9:00AM-7:00PM
Tuesday 9:00AM-7:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM-7:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM-7:00PM
Friday 9:00AM-7:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM-7:00PM
Sunday Closed